Nayanika spent her childhood following her parents across many incredible parts of India. Though she harboured dreams of becoming a stage actor, she followed the proverbial left side of her brain to do an MBA at IIM Bengaluru and became an investment banker. A decade later, she followed her heart to live in Africa. Since then, she’s been following the right side of her brain and is a copywriter by day and a storyteller by night. She now lives in London with her husband, two daughters and their goldfish named Sushi and Fishfinger – who spend their days following each other. Mostly. Nayanika has been invited as a speaker at the Jaipur Literature Festival in 2015, 2016 and 2017 in Jaipur and at London. She has conducted readings and children’s workshops at the Southbank Centre in London, at libraries and bookstores – and pretty much anywhere that she can find children who might lend her an ear! She has spoken extensively at schools in author interactions, and hopes to see children engage more with not only the written word, but with the wondrous world of nature.
Delegate | 2018