As co-founder and Publishing Director of Karadi Tales Company, Shobha Viswanath has been responsible for steering the direction of her company from brilliantly produced audio books for children to creating new imprints for her publishing house such as Dreaming Fingers – illustrated books for the visually disabled, Charkha – inspiring biographies for young adults, and beautifully illustrated picture books for young children.Internationally recognized and having won several awards for the quality of books produced, Shobha is now active in converting the books to other platforms such as digital apps, animated books and e books. She is an avid collector of picture books from around the world. She lives in Chennai with 732 books, 14 plants, one daughter and one husband. Delegate | 2019, 2020, 2022

Revival of Story Telling | 2019

Local Books Going Global | 2019

Traditional Tales | 2019

A Sense of Place in Picture Books | 2020