Shailaja Menon leads the Early Literacy Initiative at TISS-Hyderabad. Concurrently, she teaches at the School of Education, Azim Premji University. Shailaja has her Ph.D. in Literacy, Language and Culture from the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. Prior to joining Azim Premji University, she taught at the University of Colorado, Boulder, and at Jones International University. Shailaja is a key anchor of the bi-lingual children’s literature festival, KathaVana that is hosted annually by Azim Premji University (2012-present), and has served on several juries for selecting awards for Children’s Literature. Shailaja’s publications have appeared in international and Indian journals, and she serves on several advisory committees that are currently shaping policy and practice related to early literacy in India.
Delegate | 2019
Getting your child reading | 2019