Jane De Suza’s books combine humour with thought-provoking insights: The Midnight Years is on young adult mental health, Flyaway Boy and When the World went Dark bring hope into issues like grief and discrimination. Other books include The Spy who Lost her Head and Happily Never for adults and the SuperZero series and Uncool for children.

Her work has been awarded and published internationally and she is now writing a film. Jane is a management grad and Creative Director in Advertising, has a humour column with The Hindu and had a parenting column with Good Housekeeping. She works out of Singapore and India. 

Delegate | 2017, 2019, 2020, 2023

Speaker | 2021 | NLF Reading Challenge

Creativity and Out of the Box Thinking | 2019

Trend vs Tradition | 2017

Author Interaction | NLF Reading Challenge 2021

Book Reading: Flyaway Boy | 2020

The Growing Complexity of Junior Readers in India | 2020