Katie Day

Categories: 2018, 2019, 2020, 2022, 2023, Neev Literature Festival

Katie Day is an American who has been overseas for over 30 years. She has a masters in Children’s Literature from the UK and teaching and librarian degrees from Australia, earned long-distance while living in Asia. Active in international school teacher-librarian networks, she has been heavily involved in the development and management of the Red Dot Book Awards in Singapore and the Bangkok Book Awards in Thailand. She is currently working at Tanglin Trust School in Singapore, and has also lived in Thailand, Vietnam, Hong Kong, and the UK. Online she uses “The Librarian Edge” as her blog and Twitter handle.

Delegate | 2018, 2019, 2020, 2022

The Missing Canon | 2019

NLF Imaginary Lines Book Club for Parents and Educators: Reader Come Home by Maryanne Wolf | Session 2 | 2020

Growing Readers

Announcing the Winners of the Neev Book Award 2022

The Race Between Pixels and Print